Friday, July 15, 2011

An Introduction.

Welcome to Behind the Wall, I am Highwall.

So you may be asking yourself, "What is Behind the Wall?", "What reason do I have for coming here?", "Who does this asshole think he is?!".

Behind the Wall is a spot for me to write at you. Not to you or for you, but at you. Basically this is a dumping ground for my thoughts. Whatever they may be. If I find them relevant or time consuming enough, you'll find them up here. This is also where I'll be dropping pieces of stories that I might be trying to write. I don't consider myself a writer by any means, I just get these funny scenarios in my head and I'd like to try to convey them at you. I should probably take a creative writing class or something but frankly I'm not looking to pursue any type of literary excellence.

What reason do you have for coming here? Hell, I don't know but while you're here I might as well put you to work. Whenever you find yourself reading some shit stain I've posted and get a "wtf" thought, I want you to add it to the comments. I promise to answer it. If you're reading some story snippet and have suggestions or corrections, post them. I really do appreciate feedback whenever I can get it. Please, don't be shy.

Who does this asshole think he is?! Well, I go by many names. My favorite is Highwall but you can call me Jordan. I'm just a guy with thoughts. I don't consider myself special, I just want to share what's going on in my brains. Buckle up.


  1. Who does this asshole think he is? Does he not know who he is? I don't think he knows who he is...

  2. He might be the Juggernaut. He'll most definitely hit you with your own pimp.
